1#11 -pictures are to close to each other,easy to read 2#13 -pictures are touching or overlaping,good background 3#40 -fonts dont match with background,like the title font 4#31 -pictures and spaced,fonta and background match 5#35 -hard to read,like the pictures  


6 things you would put in a time capsule.Why shoes.I would put this for some one that needs it. shirts.I would put this for someone that needs it. car.For some lucky person that needs a car. books.For some one to get smarter. games for xbox and xbox one and the others that come out. dog.to Read More…

It is going to be important because some carriers have different skills so if you want to do a job you like you should just do that skill for that carrier.

Dear Future President, I want you to put protection on almost extinct animals and forest.I also want you to make more electric cars so we stop pollution.I also want you to the arctic animals in a cold environment so they don’t go extinct.I also want you to put up more homeless homes for the homeless people.I Read More…

In the video it was about how there was a black person and the waiter didn’t give the black guy what he wanted and the black guy was complaining how he didn’t get his food and he didn’t get his just ice.This made me fell bad because the black guys friends didn’t stand up for Read More…

I am doing one of the thing witch is “sorry”.This spoke out to me because it is true that trees are used to make money.The second thing is that it took place where a forest used to be.This reached out to me because there was once a forest but now its a desert and this was Read More…

songs about me morning mayhem fights getting ready baby sitting watching videos being bored feeding pets helping with breakfest morning fun watching tv watching sunrise watering plants